Jason and I are now parents to not one but 2! beautiful little girls. Scout couldn't be doing any better-she wakes up to breast feed, which I absolutely LOVE, she sleeps, she poo's, and pee's. When she does open up her precious eyes to check out her new world, she is so curious, pleasant and sweet. We feel so blessed with our new little girl. Lucia and Scout cuddle with me every morning in bed and throughout the day they lay beside each other and I marvel at the picture of my two baby girls, sisters. I am truly loving being a mom to these two little girls.
Jason was always excited to be a father, and never hesitant to bring another addition into our family. He would say 'this will be the best gift for Lucia'. He is and was right and he no doubt is a wonderful father to both Lucia and now Scout. However, since having Scout, I have seen a love and bond grow stronger, between he and his little Lu. Lucia is a daddy's girl. A Father daughter love is so special and seeing Jason and Lu interact is something I could watch and I will watch for the rest of my life.
He would take Lubird to the moon and back if he was able, and he will search for HER trip to the moon for as long as it takes. He just today suggested taking Lucia to Elitch Gardens amusement park this summer. He will do absolutely anything and everything to make her life the best it can be, whatever it takes. She brings the best light out in Jason and when they are together their love shines bright. He knows what her little cries mean-hungry, tired, not comfortable, not happy, and sometimes it's just that she needs to be in her daddy's lap. He tells her at least once a day, 'you're cute, you're smart, you're funny, and that is why you're the most popular girl in school.' Rather than choosing to go out with his buddies he often chooses to have a date with Lu at home or going to a restaurant. When it's a nice day, he loves to take her out to the back yard and sit and play with her on a blanket. As I sit here and type I look over and see his hand gently placed on her hip, as they sleep side by side. I know in 10, 20, and even 30 years I will see the same thing, over and over again. He loves her and she loves him. Lubird could not have chosen a better father to watch over her, to comfort her, to protect her, and to take her on her 'trips to the moon'. Jason, Happy fathers day to the BEST daddy Lucia could ever ask for. I too, know that Jason being Lucia's daddy was absolutely God's plan.

And little Scout, in time you will see how truly special your daddy is to both you and your sister Lu.
Happy Father's Day Jason.
Your lucky ladies,
Jules, Lubird, and baby Scout