Monday, May 30, 2011

Lu's story

First, we would like to thank all our wonderful friends, family, nurses, the website community, and doctors for their support, compassion and willingness to do just about anything to help us get through a tough diagnosis and now an unexpected trip to the hospital.  The cards, calls, visits, texts, dinners, and love have been amazing.  Little Lu has already brought out the best in us.  

Its been a few weeks since Lucia was diagnosed with PKS- Pallister Killians syndrome, a chromosomal disorder that has been diagnosed about 300 times.  The kids seem to have problems with about every part of their body with issues ranging from serious cognitive delays, low muscle tone, heart problems, stomach/intestinal issues, deafness, funky hair patterns, problems walking and talking, and physical abnormalities. With that said, I have yet to have read or spoken to a PKS family that doesn't have a deep love for their child.  They seem to radiate happiness and are always wearing a huge smile (although Lucia has quite fussy lately-but aren't we all when we are not allowed to eat).  Everytime Jules and I have been on edge struggling to understand what her diagnosis will mean for her life and ours, all fears seem to dissapear when you take one look at her.  She is the cutest little bundle of joy we've ever seen. 

Without either of us ever having lived through something like this, we were totally unprepared for the diagnosis.  Its hard to describe the feeling of being over joyed by the birth of your first child while being devastated that all of our lives have just taken a hard right turn off the road you planned on traveling.  We gratefully accept congratulations about Lucia being born while wondering if she will ever walk.   Regardless, we are staying focused on the here and now enjoying changing diapers, watching her sleep, and getting as much snuggle time as she will allow. 

Of course, just when feel like she may have lucked out of some of the more troubling complications, we had a big bump in the road on Thursday afternoon.  Noticing her struggling to catch her breath, and very uncharacteristically  upset, we rushed to our pediatrician and soon were on our way to the ER.  After xrays and ultrasounds, the doctors told us she has reflux, has been aspirating, and has malrotated intestines.  Also, the entry point to her tummy is too big allowing milk to be coughed into her lungs.  She seems to have low muscle tone in her throat as well causing her to swallow "down the wrong pipe".  As a result, Little Lucia will have surgery tomorrow, May 31st.  She will have her intestines and stomach operated on, a g-tube (feeding tube) put in and the they'll take a closer look at her throat to see if there are any further abnormalities. We know that God is watching over her.

We will update Little Lady Lucia's blog as much as we can and we hope you continue to send us your words of encouragement and love via the website.

Much Love,    Jason, Juliet and little Lucia


Gretchen said...

Praying for little Lucia today! And blessings to both of you as well. xoxo Gretchen and Simon

Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this blog. It will mean so much to those of us who think of you often but who are not involved in your day-to-day lives. We love your little family so much! We'll hold sweet Lucia especially close to our hearts today.

Big hugs,
Shanna and Glen (and Sadi)

Dawn said...

Dear Jason & Juliet,

I will be sending positive thoughts your way today for little Lucia's procedure. Thank you for sharing your journey with so many friends and people who care about you. You often hear that God has a way of hand selecting parents for every child that is born into this world- Lucia is incredibly lucky to have parents like the 2 of you to go thru this journey together. May god grant you with strength to get thru these speed bumps in life. Lots of love to you both.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your little loved one today! Trust that she is in God's hands and he'll keep her safe and sound...


Jenny Mosier said...

Jason & Juliet,
I will be praying for Little Lucia. If anything is worth mustering all the strength you have, it is that beautiful little baby. I am thinking of your family!

Jenny (Silverman) Mosier

Grammy and Grampy said...

Our Little Lu, Grammy and Grandpa have loved you since the day you came into our lives. You have already shown us what life is truely about-God's wonderful gifts. God gave you to two very special parents who cherish you and will give you the best possible life ever. You have countless people who love you already , even without meeting you. We all pray God's healing touch will be with your doctors today and throughout your entire life. We love you so much Sweet Lucia! Love, Grammy and Gramps

Tom Quirk said...


Since we haven't spoken since opening day I had no idea about the recent events surrounding the birth of beautiful little baby Lucia... I'm sorry that I haven't reached out prior to this, but I will be following her progress through this blog and sending positive thoughts to your family. Hang in there buddy!

Anonymous said...

Juliet - I had no idea about your struggles, but I will be praying for you and your precious baby girl Lucia. Even though we haven't met face to face yet it's been a pleasure getting to know you and I hope that someday we'll have that cup of coffee together and I can meet Lucia. Hold on to God's strength and your family's love.
Terri Travis

Anonymous said...

Thank you for having this blog and keeping us all posted.

Your celebration, optimism, and love inspire us and make us even more grateful to know you. We can't wait to meet Baby Lucia!

Your family is always in our thoughts and hearts.

Love and Peace,
Billy, Traci, Lily, Santi, and Niko

Anonymous said...

Some people pick the path most traveled. Little Lu picked the one less traveled by. Considering life is all about the journey, i think you are in for an amazing new chapter of the Dawkins story. Kevin and I look forward to being a part of that chapter. Much Love, Lisa and Kevin

liz hicks said...

Love the post today- no oxygen and so many prayers have been answered for our Little Lu! You go girl-you are really strong and determined like Scout with wonderful parents to encourage you every step of the way! We love you Soooo much Lu!!!! Grammy and Grampy