Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Casting Call!

watch out! here i am with my big cast!
One week into wearing a very heavy, and big, and very, very heavy cast,  Lu is doing just fine.  The first 6 days were rough, so much so that I had moments of remorse.  Was this the right time? Will this set her back with her therapies, will she keep hitting her head....will she be able to fall asleep during this long month?  The nights always seemed the worst.
Lu has had her falling asleep ritual, for the good part of her 380ish days of life.  Swimming in the bath with mommy, followed by daddy putting on her pjs after a nice little lotion massage, mommy reading squishy turtle book,  then turning on crib entertainment and watching over her baby girl as the grand finale ritual begins. Lu's two hands meet at her chest, holding, grasping, intertwining her fingers for about 30 seconds, and then, with fully stretched out little arms, she raises her intertwined hands to her forehead, closes her eyes and soundly drifts to sweet sleep.  Throw a very heavy cast in the situation, that fully covers a hand and arm,  and you're left with a sad Lubird...no bath, and no hand holding grand finale to soothe her to sleep.  BUT around day 7 she is grasping her cast and figuring out how to not let it hit her head.  She is such a good, good girl.
We had a little photo shoot aka casting call in our backyard.  Here is our little Lu in action with her cast.
left arm is like a heavy anchor

stretching out those toes and legs..cast is brought into mid line

 leg tuck and the cast is swiftly moved again 

reaching for toes and still weighted down by my cast

a lil roll- i guess i'll go where this heavy cast is...
with the bumbo, i can use my anchor to help stabilize!

Despite the heavy cast she really is doing much better.  Little Lu you are so sweet and we know this cast is NOT a TREAT!

Our prayers go out to two very special boys this week.  Kingsley Larson-fight this pneumonia little Kings! And today, I met a mom of a 3 month old PKS boy that was born in Denver.  This little boy is having a very tough time and has been in the hospital for almost 2 months....we love you already little Jeremiah and you and your family are in our prayers.

Thank you Hammonds for Lu's cute dress above!  Thank you Courtney and Jeremy May for raising money for PKS Kids in lieu of birthday gifts for your 3 year old!!! Thank you little Lu for being such a good sport with your big cast! Only 19 more days left


Anonymous said...

You never know Lu may turn out to be left handed. You are giving her the opportunity to use her beautiful hand to the fullest potential. The cast will be off before you know it. Looking forward to many pool days with Lu this summer! Ashley

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Lu is getting more used to her cast, Juliet! And even more glad she can say goodbye to it very soon! Good job, Lu - and good job, Mom and Dad:) Love, Taryn