Pretty in pink little Lu turned TEN months on Sunday, February 26th. Now she is as old as she was growing in my belly! I loved being pregnant with her...We didn't know she was a she until she arrived but Lucia didn't give me morning sickness, or even make me very tired or swollen, she was perfect. Thanks Lubird!
Tomorrow we have our evaluation for the Anchor Center to be sure it will be a good fit. Even at the wee age of 10 months little lu has an interview for school :) ... well, really its her eyes that they want to be sure are a good fit but either way we're looking forward to it. Lucia also found her knees this week...stretching and pulling her knees up to her chest and feeling them with her precious sweet-so exciting to see her discover and move her little body around. knee! |
This Wednesday is also a special and new holiday for us... Rare Disease Day is February 29th. Since having Lu we now know many others affected by a rare disease, pks and more....some that don't even have a diagnosis! A new baby, a new holiday and with that comes new friends....can't really complain about that!

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