Friday, March 9, 2012

she slows it down

As Lucia gets stronger, as we get stronger as parents, our days and weeks go by faster.  I like to think of this blog as a little journal for our Lu.   Maybe we can read it back to her someday and she can look at all the pictures of growing up, the friends she's met, the love she's received from all over, the progress, the ups and downs, and just her little journey.  As time does go by fast, its always a new day with Lu.  Like on Thursday, Lucia had a physical therapy session with Becca and she beared weight on her feet for the first time!  When we've held her up before, she lifts her legs up, avoiding contact with the ground, avoiding weight, avoiding the thought of standing or more.  So Thursday, March 8th, 2012, Lu beared a bit of weight on her sweet legs.  So happy.  What that means, not sure, but it was great!
Thursday also marked her 3rd visit to the Anchor Center and every time is a bit different.  Every class we do something new and we have yet to be with the same group.  Syndromes, undiagnosed conditions, born without eyes...all the little sweeties are carried in with love by their parents of all walks of life to play and explore and learn how to see and discover life through their special eyes.  I love going...and I think Lu is loving it too!
We also follow facebook and the pks kids website to see how the other pks kids are doing..and every single day we are overjoyed by a picture or comment about one of the children.  And almost every single day we are also saddened by a concern, condition or issue that one or many of the children are facing.  Life is tough and when its a child it just seems unfair.  But one thing that seems to be sure is that although time does go by fast, it seems to go by slower with a special needs person around.  I tend to stop and smell the roses, her roses, more.  I place a toy in front of her face slowly and don't say a lot of words when I'm looking to make eye contact. Lucia prefers to take her time, and she is teaching us to do the same.  She has slowed our life down and we love it. What is the rush anyway...we are most definitely not in a race.  I want her to stay our little lubird, able to be carried around our arms, able to fit in the tub with me, able to sleep on my chest, able to get back rubs from her grampa,  able for her daddy to hold her and dance to music....but she is getting older..and bigger and stronger every single day.  She even sat unassisted in her bumbo for a few minutes this week...and took some swallows from a bottle!
Way to go Lu, we are so smitten by you, and we love holding your hands.  When you do get bigger, as you must, I pray that we can hold your hands and walk with you.  But don't you worry, we will carry you if you need it...and we'll take our time.   It was a good week, a really good week for Lucia.

We are sending thoughts and prayers to special family friends whose 4 year old grandson was just diagnosed with Leukemia.  He's in great hands and will get better but I'm sure its a scary time for him and his family.  Our thoughts are also with you, Caroline, for a good week ahead!
Thank you Brandy Brown & Brooke Turner for buying Lucia Light T-Shirts!  Thank you girlfriends for a special last weekend and thank you special needs people all over the world for slowing things down a bit in this crazy fast world.
And this week we have a VERY special visitor...Lizzie Gold's daddy is coming to Denver on business and will be coming over for dinner!  Lizzie is Lu's best friend from Minneapolis, born just days before Lu with PKS too!  Can't wait to meet you David!



Lisa Priest said...

In honor of Lu and this beautiful day, I am going to make a point to stop, take a breath, and really enjoy my surroundings . Life is good.

BeeMighty said...

Yay Lu. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow - h u g e. Just like you said - it's on her own time.
Love your post. Makes me smile (and be grateful)

courtney said...

love your post, really hit the spot for me today, as I have one week left of this pregnancy, all I have done lately is wished it was time, but I am really just going to enjoy this little being inside me for the next week and slow down. huge belly, swollen feet and all!! love you :)court

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Little Lu! You are so strong in many ways:)

Anonymous said...

You can always describe our feelings with the most beautiful words! We love you!
Samantha, Giacomo & co.
