Saturday, March 17, 2012

Three legged gidder

my little lu

It's been a beautiful week in Denver and my friend, Keri Burnette, invited me to go on a walk or hike this Saturday.  So with my two dogs, and my little girl, Keri and I went on a walk from her house around Washington Park- a park that is abundant with energy on any given decent day in Denver. Bikers, runners, walkers, and their dogs and children, strolling, exercising, talking, and enjoying life.  At one point we passed a man with his two dogs, one of which was a poodle-like, cockier spaniel type mix.  This little dog was cruising along with its owner and the owners other dog looking as happy and fit as the other except this little dog was different, it only had three legs.  The speed, spirit and joy of this dog was so beautiful!  Keri looked at the dog and said to me, "aw, a three legged gidder!"  I smiled at the spirited sweet dog and questioned what a gidder was.  She replied "a go getter, get it done, a gidder!"  She then said, 'Animals and kids,  they don't care they just get er done.  They don't know they are different, or unable, they just get it done."
If we could all just be 'gidders', not comparing ourselves to others.  If I could just do that with my little special girl, and remember that every day.  Every moment that I get usually is because I compare her to others.  I could be out and see a child close to Lu's age learning how to walk, or I could just hear a song about a 'girls first kiss' (little mermaid), and I may break down thinking how my little angel may never have those experiences.    I do get sad and I do get down and it usually is a pattern of comparisons.  And shortly after my downtime,  I look over and see my little Lubird and she makes me so happy it hurts.  She doesn't compare herself to others, she doesn't care, she will be a 'gidder' and get er done to her fullest.  And her fullest is her fullest and no one else's.  I know I can learn a lot from that three legged gidder and my special little Lu.  I learn something every single day.
Happy 1st Saint Patricks Day Little Lu.  We are so lucky to have you as our spirited and beautiful little girl!
Thank you Lucy and Lizzie for the beautiful card! Thank you Katie Fondriest and Linda Glesne for purchasing Lucia Light T shirts.  Thank you Sandra Bornhorst for your wonderful facebook message.  Thank you Lizzie Gold's dad for visiting us on Tuesday! Thank you dad and mom for a wonderful visit.  Thank you dogs everywhere for your spirit! Thank you Keri Burnette for the walk and words today!  Thank you Lu for being YOU! I feel so lucky to be me.  Gidder done!
Keri and Lu- pants from lizzie bobilya, shirt from flemmings

david gold- lizzie golds daddy!

daddy and lu on st pats day!
Good friends- Megan and Otis Gilles


Keri said...
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Keri said...

Jules, Lu, and Jason, thank you for being the "three legged gidder's" in my life and for continuing to inspire me to love life, count my blessings, and be me. I am blessed to have you all in my life! XOXO