Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our little family

Jason loves to cuddle up next to me and Lu and say "look at our little family, i love our little family".  After he says that, I smile because it's so true, we love this little family.  We often get asked, "do you think you'll have any more kids?" Sometimes,  it's a "oh geeze, do you think they are scared to have more kids"  tone.  We may let them know that our chances of having another child with PKS is not a concern, it doesn't work that's totally random and occurs for no known reason.  Our chances of having another child with PKS are no greater than anyone else having a child with PKS.    Sometimes, it's with more of a, "we think you should" or "you deserve to have a 'normal' child" tone.  And sometimes, people just ask like they would ask anyone with any kids.  The truth is we do talk about having more kids, but not because Lucia is different.   It is unimaginable to think Lucia or any child with a handicap would believe they weren't good enough, just the way they are!  We are completely,  perfectly fulfilled with our unimaginably amazing Lucia!!  We used to talk about having 2 or 3 kids but sometimes you're thrown a curve ball and the game changes.  Well, our game did change and we feel like we hit a home run!  When we answer the "another kid" question, we answer with what our real answer is,  "we'll wait and see".  
sitting like Lu 

What we do know is we are SOOOO in love and whole heartedly completed with our girl named Lu.  Her sweet little lips, and eyes so blue.  Tonight, as I put little Lu in her crib, she was so content and kicking her legs, looking around with her big blue eyes, and she just exuded happiness.  I was cuddling and tickling her and said, "do you like your family, do you like this little family you chose".  I know the answer is yes.  I know she is happy!  I know she loves me!  I know she loves her daddy!   I know this is the perfect fit!!

Maybe if Lu was a typical child we would feel the same way, we'll never know, but that doesn't matter.  We know that Lucia would be a great older sister, and we know it would be amazing to have more, it's not that.  We just know that we do not need a 'typical' child to heal us or fix us or help us.  This little Lubird sings us the most beautiful songs, and teaches us the most beautiful story of love.

As Jason loves to say to Lu, "you're so perfect, you're so nice, you're so wonderful, you're so beautiful, and that's why you're the most popular girl in school." He's so right, Lu you are a dream come true!

Shanna, we are praying for your dad to keep fighting and be strong!  And little Reis Casias, we are thinking about you all the time and praying that God is with you and your family through this most difficult battle and suffering.   And Little Lu, thank you for being YOU!


Laura said...

I love your family!! Big or small, near or far, here or there....You light up my life.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, Juliet! I love how you have the wisdom that "all is as it should be" in life. So many of us can learn from that:) Love, T