Monday, February 10, 2014

Dust go to sleep

So they say...time flies when you're havin fun!  I can't believe our little Scout is already 8 months old AND I also can't believe our sweet Lucia will be 3 years old in just 2 1/2 months.  Even though the days can seem long, time is definitely going by fast and it's mostly very fun, and I try not to complain..  The girls have been healthy all winter up until this past week when a little cold has set in..hoping it doesn't stay long! Scout learns new tricks daily and is a constant source of entertainment.  Lubird has been pretty content other than a few tough nights of some molar pain..   We've seen her orthopedist and her 'hips are developing nicely' as Dr. Laurel Benson says.  Her cardiologist, another favorite, Dr. Jane Nydam still sees pulmonary hypertension but not enough to treat with anything.. so that's good too.  AND our Lucia passed her latest hearing test for the most part.  Of course it's tricky to test hearing when your child does not turn to sounds and is non-verbal, but her latest test looked pretty good-Rejoice!  Lu continues to be sweet and often smiley, sometimes giggley,  and she has been working hard at sitting. I believe that one day it will just click and she'll sit, just like that. You can do it bird!   Next week we will start going to weekly swim therapy at National Jewish Health- a heated therapy pool where she'll work with a physical aquatic therapist... I'm super excited for this as I think the bird will love it too!
Lu getting her ABR hearing test
sitting with a special device-A SWASH

getting ready for bed-our beauty

Speech therapy with Mandy! (with food-hence the dogs)
Scout playing kitchen in the waiting room at the audiologist
As for Lu's little sister, she is crawling, pulling to stand, enjoying spilling the dog's water bowl, trying to eat their food, loves to dart for the toilet, thinks her daddy is the bee's knees, loves to smile, fall, eat paper, play with her sister, favors guacamole mostly but is dabbling well with other foods, has sprouted out two front teeth and two little lowers, has the cutest hoarse voice (from her cold) and she continues to amaze us with her strength and big personality.  Soldier Scout is marching ALL around, looking for trouble!  She's so much fun. 

toppled into the clothes basket!

playing with her sister

Our bird and our soldier=fun blessed days.  
When my days sometimes seem tough-tough to get us all out the door, tough to do therapy with Lu, tough to get Scout to take a nap, tough to wash my hair, it sometimes just takes a walk in the fresh outdoor with my girls and my dogs to realize how good it all is. 
The simple life is not a bad thing.  And writing that down makes it all seem ok.  I am going to try to embrace the simplicity of our daily lives and live that to the fullest.  Be it a day where all we get done is swinging in the park, or a day of playing in the kitchen with bottles and pots and pans, or just a day when all we do is eat and change diapers and take a's a day with my little ladies and that is a beautiful thing!  
I have a pretty awful memory but I clearly remember this poem that hung on our wall growing up as a child. It went like this:
"Cleaning and cobwebs can wait for tomorrow, 
for babies grow up, we've learned our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, 
Dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep".  

Slow down my two sweet babies...Simply put- I love you little munchkins!
I pray that our lives can always be this simple and sweet.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi my name is rose I met you in Denver with my mom Alexa and Cortney and Imogen. I have been following Lucia's blog. Me and my friend saskia are very interested in Lucia and want to know more. I live in Boulder and hope Lucia is doing okay.