Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Special Mothers Day

A few days ago, I met a guy for coffee that a mutual friend introduced me to.  It was obvious he is a very smart guy, he is the president of and oil and gas company, and had just finished writing a book to be published in October.  We discussed his book a little then got to talking about our families.   I mentioned Lucia and he went on to ask several of the questions (good questions) that I have come to expect when someone finds out about PKS for the first time.  What is PKS? What does it mean for her?  Does it go away?  In a matter of fact/audio taped fashion, I answered each of the questions and described Lucia's condition then noticed a look of deep concern, perhaps border line shock on his face. 

As best as I can remember, I responded to his look with, "I'm sorry,  I didn't mean to describe a dire situation, in fact,my girls and  I have an amazing life.  I look forward to waking up and peaking into Lu and Scout's bedrooms and seeing their beautiful little bodies sleeping,  then kissing my sleeping wife goodbye before I go to work.   Most of all though, I look forward to coming home to see my wife and little girls every night.  I'm telling you, it's a great life."  

On my way home from this conversation, I began to think about what on Earth I would do without Juliet?   She is a mother that has an endless supply of love for our kids and I.  She is there to ensure  that they are loved, fed, dressed, entertained, and cared for.  She carries giant binders full of medical information to the six or seven doctors that Lucia sees regularly.   She organizes and schedules physical  therapy, occupational therapy, speech  therapy,  horse therapy, swimming therapy, whatever else we think may help Lucia.  She orders oxygen, medical tape, nasal cannulas, sensors for Lucia's pulsox., and blood pressure medicine.  She deals with the endless insurance bills, letters, and questionnaires.  She plays with, walks,  and scolds our insane weimaraners, Frieda and Mr. Blue.  Of course, this was all before we had Scout.  Now we have two beautiful  girls.  While Scout doesn't require all of the medical attention, she has a deep passion  for emptying drawers and playing with toilet bowls.

A little  over four years ago, Juliet and I were married in a tropical storm just south of Cancun Mexico.  After four years, I can confirm getting married in the rain is good luck.  I married a woman that is patient with me after long and cruddy work days, laughs at me and with me, encourages me, and is almost always smiling.   What would I do without Juliet?  I don't have the slightest clue. 

Juliet, I thought I understood, but I had no idea who I was marrying four years ago.  Thank you lover and best friend for making our home such a wonderful place to live.   Happy Mother's day to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Love Jason.


Katie Zapata said...

Love this Jason! Couldn't agree more... Juliet you are amazing! Happy mother's day dear friend! xo

She Tripped And Fell said...

I just love this. And the two of you. Your love is inspiring. ~ Meg