Thursday, January 26, 2012

God Appointment

Queen Lu in her crib with her Court
This week started out pretty uneventful (which is very eventful for us compared to last year..)- a couple doctor appointments, some in home therapies, some dress-up sessions,  and good moments with little Lu.  Lucia's EEG on Tuesday came back looking good from Neurology- no signs of seizures on the small 30 minute test- AWESOME! Nine month appt at pediatrician, all looked good on their end.  Two therapies sessions and Lu was awake and active and even took a few swallows of food!   Then today, something quite extraordinary and extremely eventful happened.
I had just finished a yoga class with my out of town friend, Aimee Beatty, and we were walking to grab lunch as we passed a mom with her two kids.  I watched as they went into Cold Stone Creamery.  The little girl walked in as her mom pushed her handicapped son in his wheelchair.  I watched, with a different eye than I would have pre-Lu, and said to Aimee, "i wonder if that is what Lu will be like".  The boy had a look about him.  About 5 minutes passed and I told her I wanted to go meet that family and introduce myself- she encouraged me to go and pushed me out the door of Noodles and Co.   I was happy when I saw the family out by the fountain and walked over.  "Hi, i have a baby girl and she has a syndrome and I see that your son may have something going on and I just wanted to meet you."  The mom replied,  "He has a very rare syndrome, 1 in 10 billion or something and it's called Pa".  I stopped her and ended her sentence.  "Pallister-Killian Syndrome.  That. Is. What. My. Daughter. Has." We stared at each other in disbelief, we cried and hugged and kneeled by her son, and talked a bit about everything.  She lives less than 1 mile away from us, and literally one driving turn away. She lives just blocks away from my brothers family. What are the chances?!!  We exchanged numbers and are meeting up this weekend.
When I told Aimee, she told me it was a "God Appointment".  Her mom calls incidents like those, the perfect time at the perfect place but part of The Plan, a God Appointment- and it was.
Christopher is a 7 year old boy that is on oxygen, has a g tube, and unfortunately has many other complications. And he was CUTE!  His family has never met another PKS child or family.  Today was a life changer, a God Appointment, and I'm pretty certain a beginning of a friendship, like no other.
Jason and I are excited to get to know this special family much better and learn from them, their daughter and their special son.  Thank you God for setting up this special unannounced appointment.  I know that Christopher and Lucia thank you too...come to think of it..maybe they already knew about this appointment!? Thank you Aimee for coming to town and inviting me to that yoga class and lunch!!!

Happy 9 month Birthday Lubird! It has been a day like no other.  Love you little bird, soooo much.  And Christopher, what a special angel you are, if God is sharing this with you, know that we love you too.
5 year old Carly, Chris, and mom, Caroline Hammond



Anonymous said...

Oh that's really incredible!!! I m also sure this is a God appointment!
Happy 9 months sweet Lu!!! <3


Anonymous said...

Goose pimples!!!
You are a good Mom, Juliet.
- candace

Diana said...

Wow! That is so amazingly awesome and only something God could do! Glad you went out on a limb!

courtney said...

good job jules for gaining the courage to say hi.......proud of you. xoxox court

Anonymous said...

That is truly wonderful. I'm so happy for you to be living so close to one another, too! Love, Taryn
PS - My travels are over and Teagan is ready for a playdate with Lu (if the little social butterfly can fit it into her busy schedule!:)

afriesner said...

It's amazing how god works!

afriesner said...

It's amazing how god works!

afriesner said...

It's amazing how god works!

Keri said...

"Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it." My mother has always
described these moments as serendipitous. What a beautiful moment you created with your courage and grace to reach out to someone new. Yah for Lu and Christopher!!