Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Special New Year!

Little Lady Lucia- Happy New Year!  Little Lu had a fabulous Christmas and New Years Holiday with a grand finale of a one night getaway in downtown Denver with her parents.  Little Lu in a big bed-what a gal, she sure is something special!
Queen Lu at the Hotel Monaco
It's been a special year to remember like no other.  A baby, a special baby, a girl, a special girl, an operation to fix some special parts, oxygen, doctors, special doctors, smiles, big blue eyes, pink dresses, pink shoes, pink cheeks, presents, special presents, pictures, special therapists, her own special party, a roll or two, giggles, kicking, swimming, a special swimming device, a special hand, special toes, special from head to toe, a special club called PKS Kids, peas, a little engine that could, a special letter L, special little friends, prayers, machines, pillows, special pillows, toys, special toys, and people, many special special special people!  We love special, who doesn't? But we never really knew how much special we would be surrounded by...especially a special child.
the Lu hold
Our Lu was on her own special path from day one and she will continue to be on her own special path next year and her whole special life!  We are thankful for her strength to bring her hands together and hold them together- the Lu hold- she loves to hold those hands together real tight and it's the cutest thing.  We are thankful for her ability to hold up her pretty head, her neck has gotten so strong.  We are thankful that she can sit up (with a little special assistance :) ) roll from back to side, and from belly to back, bring her knees/legs up to her strong abs, and that she suck her paci.  We are thankful for her little songs that she sings, including her feisty grunts and sweet cries!  We are thankful for her eye contact and interactions with the world.  We are thankful that she can breath well without oxygen all the time.  We are thankful to be in Colorado with friends and family around us to watch her do her special thing.  We are thankful for our doggies that give her kisses and cuddle up close to her.  Most importantly, we are thankful that we have so much to be thankful for in 2011- THANK YOU LITTLE LADY LUCIA, Little Lu, Lubird, Louie, Lulu, our special Light.
May 2012 bring us more to be thankful for and may it bring good things for all living things, and all special things because after all who does not love special?!
Maria visiting Lucia this week! Love you Maria

New Years Eve Dinner

New Years Eve with my parents and Henry

Lil Lu w a lil candle and big bottle o bubbly

NYE day outfit
this hat may look pretty but its making me MAD 
Ok this hat isn't so bad, I bet I look pretty special!

Thank you Maria and Zekers for coming to visit, so great to see you!  Thank you Tate for organizing a FUN Friday night NYE celebration! Thank you mom and dad for a FUN NYE Celebration, Thank you husband and Lu for a FUN NYE Weekend! It was ALL Very, Very Special.  

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I love that pic of her in the big royal bed! Happy New Year!!!!!