Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An anchor in sight

We visited the eye doctor on Monday, the third time Lu has seen this doctor.  We've known her vision is not typical but we were hopeful for a good report.  It wasn't awful, and it wasn't really good, but we have a place to go that can hopefully help.  She sometimes makes eye contact and she will look at us and smile, but it's not too often and it's only at certain people (usually me :) )  and certain lights and colors..  So.. after examining her again, her doctor suggested that Lucia visits a special place, The Anchor Center.     The Anchor Center, for blind children, but blind, as our doctor pointed out, can also mean visually impaired.  We can see that Lu can sometimes see and if this school can help her reach her full potential, that will be beautiful!  We're really excited to get her started and find ways to make our little bird soar with her fullest sight!

On Saturday, we had lunch with the Hammonds, the PKS family that I met on my God Appointment..  It was so nice to connect and talk about their experiences..poor little Christopher has been through so much.  He has a list of problems-head to toe, but the saddest thing to us was hearing that his lungs are very, very fragile so their pediatrician has told them he shouldn't even go to school because he's too susceptible to viruses, that will turn into pneumonia, which can be life threatening to little Chris.  There's no doubt that the Hammonds will be in our life for a long time...and a lot.  How about this side story..it gets a bit confusing but here goes..  My brother Jon, in California, sent a fun package a couple weeks ago, covered with alien stickers, to my brother Joey's kids.  When Christopher's dad saw Kim at our lunch on Saturday, he remembered delivering the package (Kim had signed for it).  HE had delivered it to their house, as the Fed Ex man.  How about that..6 degrees..more like 3 it seems!

So..tomorrow we have another hearing test, and in the upcoming future another sleep study and overnight EEG.  The neurologist is not convinced that all is clear in the way of seizures from that last EEG-sigh.  But we'll cross that big bridge when we are certain we need to!

For now we try to see with those big blue eyes, smell the baby bananas that we'll let Lu taste tiny bits of, and we'll cover her and do photo shoots with the beautiful blanket from AnnaRose Zapata!  A blanket of bright flora, with her named embroidered on it too!  It is a perfect Lucia blanket- thank you AnnaRose, Katie and David Zapata for those thoughtful gifts!
Thank you Rhoda for the cuddle bunny and thank you Coco for organizing a great gathering last night.

lu cuddled up with her new gifts

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