Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lil Teeth!

Little Lu has sprouted some little teeth!  Two bottom teeth broke ground on Saturday, January 21st! Since Lu's not taking much food by mouth we thought it might be a long time before we saw any teeth, as did some of her therapists, so we were thrilled to see the little nuggets appear!
Despite going through teething, Lu has also been enjoying some tickling and many smiles and laughs and her mommy and daddy could not be more tickled pink by it!  If Lucia can smile and laugh for us the rest of her life, it will be hard to complain.  If she's happy, so are we.
And... after talking to her doctors, they approved a family trip to Mexico in February!  Lu is gearing up for her sunny vacation!

Teeth, Smiles, Sunglasses and a girl named Lu! This week we have our 9 MONTH check-up!  Growing up so fast!  We also have our regular therapies and a short EEG on Tuesday.  AND we have lots of play dates!  Monday with the handsome Garces' twins and Tuesday with the beautiful Truly McCabe.  And Grammy has arrived home from Costa Rica to give Lu and all her cousins some loving too.  A nice week ahead for the LuBird! Tweet Tweet, Teeth Teeth, Tickle Tickle, So Sweet!

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