Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sitting Pretty!

It's been another fine day/days on Holly Street!  We have been 'choosing the dog' as much as possible.  Stroller rides, talking to friends, playtime, infant massage, baths, and family time.
Lu even sat up against the couch for a good 20 minutes as we frantically and proudly snapped pictures- one of the prize pics above :)  Her GI doctor on Monday said that she looked great and we'll continue to increase her daytime feeds as we decrease her continuous nighttime feeds.   Lu selectively decided to sleep during her occupational therapy visit this afternoon but not to worry- we worked her when she awoke!  Tomorrow we have physical therapy and a visit to her eye doctor.

We continue to be amazed at our friends that show their love and support for Little Lu.

Thank you Taryn and Tim and little Trevor for your generous donation to PKS.  Thank you to the Schreiners and Thesings for your gift-which we will discuss more at a later time...still too touched for words.  Thank you to a dear childhood friend, Caryn, for calling, it was great to hear your voice and so nice for you to reach out.  Thank you Lisa for my pedi- enjoy your Italian Adventure!   Thank you my mom for helping all of your Denver kids out while you are here- we love you so much.  Thank you Uncle Dennis for your nice messages. Adam, thank you for Lu's hot pink headset- look for a pic soon- too cute!  Thank you Pura Vida for your upcoming planned event- more to come!  Grazie Karols- lei è così premuroso!

P.S.- if anyone has a suggestion on air travel with oxygen under a 1 liter flow- please let us know.  We'll be traveling to ohio to and fro :) Yes, that rhymes-Yo Yo!

Juliet, Jason and a girl named Little Lu!


Tonya McCabe said...

I LOVE how strong she looks in this pic!!!! Keep it comin' Lu ;)))) Truly May looks forward to sittin' with you soon. xoxo

Laura said...

Could be the most joy inducing photo ever! The smiles on Lu and her Mommy makes my day. Can't wait to sit together Lu!! Much much love!

Anna said...

This photo is A W E S O M E !! I love you guys!!